

Everything you need to know about cancer.JE.

Who is cancer.JE for?

cancer.JE is for cancer patients, their loved ones; employers and medical professionals. These are the people supported by the organisations included in the directory.

Who runs cancer.JE?

Founded by Lorna Pirozzolo, cancer.JE is an information site run by cancer patients and their loved ones. Read About Us for more information on those currently involved.

How is cancer.JE funded?

Our founder meets any costs incurred by cancer.JE. Our Thanks page lists those that have offered their expertise for free. In this regard special thanks go to Corefocus Consultancy Limited.

What is cancer.JE's organisational status?

cancer.JE is a group of cancer patients. It is not a charity, social enterprise or any other form of company. None of those involved are compensated for their time in any way.

What was the inspiration for the design?

The stripey design represents the coloured ribbons associated with various different cancers.


What type of organisations are in the directory?

The directory includes statutory services; charities; peer support groups and local retailers. We provide links to a few reputable UK sites like MacMillan UK and Cancer Research UK. This is because they include a wealth of information on various cancers. For service provision we stick to those available to Jersey residents. These can be in Jersey or in the UK.

Does it cost to be in the directory?

No. Inclusion in the directory is free. Eligibility for inclusion is decided by the cancer.JE team.

Is cancer.JE inclusive?

We aim to be a site for everyone affected by cancer but realise that this will take time. We hope that you bear with us while we make the site as inclusive as possible. We can only provide links to services if they exist in Jersey but we endeavour to find them if they do.

Currently the site is only available in English. We hope, in the future to have it available in Portuguese and Polish. To ensure it can be understood by the majority we write using Hemingway Editor. We aim for grade 6 or below where possible. This should help the understanding for those with English as as second language understand it.

Do the organisations in the directory support cancer.JE's views?

Inclusion in the directory means the organisation support Jersey residents dealing with cancer. It does not mean that the organisation agrees with cancer.JE's views.

Do cancer.JE support the views of the organisations included in the directory?

Inclusion in the directory means the organisation support Jersey residents dealing with cancer. It does not mean that cancer.JE agree with the organisation's views.

Does cancer.JE give medical advice?

No. The site is not run by medical professionals and does not give medical advice. If you need medical advice please speak to your oncology team or GP.

There are links to sites with reputable information on a wide variety of cancers. These include MacMillan and Cancer Research UK. The site also includes tips from other patients. These tips cover a variety of subjects including treatments, scans and life matters. These tips are not medical they are about general self-care and ways to make your life a little easier.

N.B. Some tips include well-known methods of symptom management. These may be things to eat or drink, or creams to use. Please speak to your medical team before following any of the tips. Your specific form of cancer may mean you have to avoid certain common substances.

Does cancer.JE advertise other organisations or make recommendations?

No. Organisations are only included because they help people affected by cancer. Inclusion in the directory does not constitute a recommendation of the organisation's services.

Are the services included in the directory free to patients?

The directory is mainly charities, statutory services and peer support groups. Most services are funded by taxes, social security or charitable donations. We include some local retailers because they sell products needed by cancer patients.

N.B. Check with relevant charities before buying products. Some are provided as you go through treatment.

Why does the directory include some retailers?

The purpose of cancer.JE is to help cancer patients source what they need. This can include things like sick bags, prostheses or medical equipment. Inclusion is not a recommendation or advertisement of the retailer's services or products.

N.B. Having cancer can be a costly business so it is advisable to shop around.

Does cancer.JE include a chat forum for locals?

No. Cancer is a very sensitive and emotive subject. Good cancer forums use a lot of moderation to help keep members safe. We don't have the capacity to offer this for Jersey.

Jersey residents are able to use the Cancer Research UK and Macmillan UK chat forums. They have nurses and experienced moderators ensuring no-one posts harmful information.

Can my organisation be in the cancer.JE directory?

To be in the directory your services will ideally be free to cancer patients. Please note we will not risk putting people in contact with organisations or individuals offering unproven treatments.

If you wish to be in the cancer.JE directory please complete our online form here.